
Legal Disclaimers (Impressum)

Here is the legal fine print under German and EU law. This page includes company information and disclaimers under Germany’s Impressum format.

Company Information

GermanBureau.com (this website) is owned and operated by:

GermanBureau (Redaktionsbüro Bakst)
Heinersdorfer Straße 12
12209 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 30 797466 55
Email: team@germanbureau.com

Publisher: Alexander Bakst
VAT ID (USt-ID-Nr.): DE 277 695 519
Tax no. (StNr.): 20 / 215 / 01951

Court of Jurisdiction

Amtsgericht Schöneberg (Berlin)
Grunewaldstraße 66-67
10823 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 30 90159 0
Fax: +49 30 90159 429
Web: http://www.berlin.de/sen/justiz/gerichte/ag/schoen/

Consumer arbitration: GermanBureau.com is not able or obligated to participate in legal dispute resolution proceedings before a universal consumer arbitration board.

Editorial Content Manager

Alexander Bakst
Heinersdorfer Straße 12
12209 Berlin, Germany

Legal Notices

This section contains copyright provisions, a disclaimer of liability for the content on our website, and acknowledgements.

Copyright Provisions

© Copyright 2010 – 2024 GermanBureau (Redaktionsbüro Bakst). All rights reserved.

This copyright is regulated under Germany’s Gesetz über Urheberrecht und verwandte Schutzrechte (Urheberrechtsgesetz, UrhG) along with any other applicable statutes of the European Union and the Federal Republic of Germany.

Layout, design, and content of GermanBureau.com are protected under these provisions and may not be reproduced or redistributed in any way that is inconsistent with applicable rights. Commercially motivated dissemination or reuse of the content on our website is expressly prohibited without prior written consent from the publishers and/or copyright owners.

Third-party content published on this site may be subject to additional copyright restrictions. As a rule, GermanBureau.com has permission to use all third-party content hosted here. If you detect a possible copyright infringement on our site, please let us know and we will move quickly to resolve the conflict or remove the offending content as required.

Exceptions to these copyright restrictions may be made under the provisions of UrhG Section 6 (§§ 44a through 63a), which places well-defined limits on our copyright under Schranken des Urheberrechts. These exemptions are comparable to the common-law Fair Use doctrine, which allows reproduction for personal use, citation in other works, and public educational purposes among other things. If you do share our content, please reference the source in the form of a link or citation.

Liability Disclaimer

We have designed this website with great care and due diligence. Nevertheless, GermanBureau.com cannot guarantee nor be held legally liable for the complete accuracy, integrity, or actuality of content hosted on our site.

GermanBureau.com cannot be held responsible for links to content hosted on unaffiliated external domains. While we could not determine an infringement of existing laws at the time of placing such links, we are unable to permanently monitor the content of external providers without a specific indication of infringement. Upon learning of any abuses—for example, by notification from legitimate site users or following a verified request from law enforcement—we will immediately take steps to remove the offending link.


GermanBureau.com logo and corporate identity designed in cooperation with:

Fabian Lauterbach
Cologne, Germany

Content management powered by WordPress sporting the Bizberg Education theme by Cyclone Themes. We are grateful to these developers and to the WordPress community at large for enabling us to keep this website secure and beautiful.

More About Us

If you still have unanswered questions, these links might be useful:

Otherwise, don’t hesitate to contact us. The menu up top has all the links. A real human will respond as soon as someone is free. Thanks!